Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The back of my seed packet project :)
My finished project with tracing paper on top of it! :) It turned out great!

seed packet guide

This is my seed packet and the guide that I used to create my seed packet. This was very helpful to me because it had all the measurements that I needed to use for the front and back of my seed packet.

some of the many print outs

This is only one round of the many prints I printed out. I did four rounds of printing because I wanted to make sure that everything was lined up correctly and that it looked the best that it possibly could. I also tried printing it on different kinds of paper as well.

Monday, February 21, 2011

This is my finished strawberry front & back seed packet. I really like the finished product :)
This is my almost- finished blackberry seed packet. I think that the seed packet is very effective, although there are some minor things that I might change still like the shadow, and the font 'KINDNESS' needs to be changed to lowercase.
This is my finished apple seed packet. I really like how it turned out. :)

logo change #2

The apple is the other logo that I changed. I actually completely started over and reconstructed the apple and made new shapes to create the stem and leaf as well as the shadow underneath the apple. I really like this logo and I think it is much better than my previous one. This logo took me the longest to perfect.

logo changed

I decided to change some things about my logos, and this is one of the ones I changed. (The blackberries)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

revised strawberry seed packet

This is my strawberry seed packet revised with some minor changes, but as you can see it really did improve this piece as a whole.


This apple seed packet is my work in progress, a lot still needs to be done and adjusted but this is my progress so far. ( This image is also a screen shot and is taken off center, but the actual file is symmetrical.)

All 3 files

This is a screen shot of all three of my seed packets. During critique a lot of things were suggested so I will continue to work and adjust the items.

front & back of strawberry seed packet

This was my first seed packet that I showed for my first critique. Overall the class really liked it, but they had minor changes that they wanted me to fix, so this is after I revised it and changed the little things that they suggested. ( This is a screen shot because when I tried to upload the jpg it wouldn't let me.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

mood board

This is a mood board that I made for my seed packet project. The idea that I came up with was " fruit of the spirit."

mind maping for seed packets

This is a mind map for seed packet ideas.

Illustrator Peach

In this assignment we were given a choice of fruit to duplicate using the pen tool and mesh tools, and I chose to duplicate the peach.

logo exercize

A set of logos were given to us and we had to duplicate either side of them, and I chose to remake the right side.